Search Results
Interpretation & Therapeutic Implications of Physiologic Testing in Management of Refractory Reflux
2 Case Presentations of Functional Heartburn and Reflux Hypersensitivity - Joan Chen
How to investigate reflux in 2019 - Rami Sweis
The Role of High Resolution Esophageal Manometry in Your Pratice | Rimma Shaposhnikov, MD
A review of esophageal pH testing | Lisa D. Lin, MD, MS | UCLA
PPI-refractory Symptoms: Evaluation and Management
Interview with Dr. Frank Zerbib on the diagnosis and management of refractory GERD
Refractory GERD
Esophageal physiology for the general surgeon: How to interpret studies
2020 NCSCG GI Symposium - New Advances in GERD: Diagnostic/Therapeutic
Midas GI grand rounds : Refractory GERD - Dr. Phil Katz
Medicine Grand Rounds: Personalized Management of GERD 2/25/20